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MINUTES April 28 , 1994 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> APPOINTMENT: William Haney - Lakeside Trailer Park <br /> Mr. Haney nor representatives for Mr. Haney were in at- <br /> tendance as scheduled. Residents from the trailer park were <br /> in attendance. <br /> Mr. Ben Aldridge, President of the Lakeside Trailer Park <br /> Association, stated, "What we are concerned about is a matter <br /> of safety. " "I have written a letter to the Attorney General <br /> about this. " "We have no way to contact the owners after <br /> 3 :00 on Mondays, Wednesday's and Friday's. " "We have had <br /> ! several situations where we have had to get hold of them re- <br /> garding electrical failures and septic problems. " <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "The owner is required to have <br /> someone available to all residents and the name and number <br /> must be clearly posted. " <br /> Mr. Aldridge stated, "After hours there is a number you <br /> can call with an answering machine however, there is no call <br /> forwarding. " <br /> I <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "Aside from the management contact I <br /> understand the primary issue is water quality. " <br /> Mr. Aldridge responded, "We do feel that heavy amounts <br /> of iron are really not to good for your health. " <br /> Mr. Doherty relayed, "The "Safe Water Drinking Act" en- <br /> acted in May of 1990 lists iron as a secondary contaminant <br /> with a maximum contaminant level of . 3 milligrams per liter. " <br /> "The water test results we have on file have exceeded that." <br /> "In order for us to proceed further we must gather current <br /> samples. " "We will have the health agents drop by and draw <br /> some water from various faucets. " "The owner of the park is <br /> required to provide each tenant with safe and potable drink- <br /> ing water. " "As it stands now, with the old results, those <br /> standards are not being met. " "The park owners were also re- <br /> quired to file certain plans with the Board of Health that <br /> they failed to file which we will be addressing. " "We will <br /> continue the hearing pending water test results. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Based on the water test results, <br /> if they exceed the M.C.L. 's on iron, our intention is to send <br /> a letter to Mr. Haney indicating that although this is a sec- <br /> ondary contaminant, as far as, water quality goes it still is <br /> an obvious nuisance. " "The Board of Health has the authority <br /> to require removal of a nuisance within a specific time <br /> frame. " "If that is not done then we have the authority to <br /> fine the individual on a daily basis beginning at $50.00 per <br /> day. " "We do want to indicate our authority and that we are <br /> not satisfied with the D.E.P. 's deadline of five years by <br />