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MINUTES May 5, 1994 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> which has been working for nine months. " "What they did was <br /> take our unit and uninterrupted power supplies, etc. and put <br /> a ultraviolet system on the end of it. " "We do not have the <br /> findings as they are currently being shipped to D.E.P. . " <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "If the Board were to consider this <br /> I would recommend they require a reduction in any viral and <br /> bacterial contamination, let alone nitrogen loading, to below <br /> M.C.L. 's. " <br /> Mr. Roland commented, "Federal Drinking Water Quality <br /> Standards are 30, 30, 10. " "We can do that, we just simply <br /> size the plant for whatever levels we need. " "Once you get <br /> into tertiary that leaves out plant but you can fit it very <br /> easily with a u.v. . " <br /> Discussion took place regarding the fee for installation <br /> of a u.v. unit. <br /> Mr. Roland commented the average life of the system is <br /> 45 years and the power required for the system would not ex- <br /> ceed that of a refrigerator. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "I would recommend the Board request <br /> statistics on the systems that were installed in Cohasset and <br /> Europe." <br /> Board members agreed. <br /> Mr. Roland stated he would provide the information and <br /> report back to the Board within one week. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Robert Feren - Produce Stand <br /> Mr. Feren was in attendance for this scheduled appoint- <br /> ment. <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Mr. Feren came in a few weeks ago <br /> interested in setting up a vegetable/produce stand at Dick & <br /> Ellie's Flea Market. " "I indicated to him the Board's policy <br /> has been not to allow any food sales of any nature at Dick & <br /> Ellie's through peddler's/vendor's other than what was ap- <br /> proved by the Board of Health operating through what was <br /> known as Fabio's Restaurant. " "The special permit issued to <br /> Edward Wasil indicated that we would consider applications <br /> from other food vendors on a case by case basis." <br /> Mr. Feren stated, "The produce stand will be built out- <br /> side of the restaurant. " "There will be two stands, one will <br /> be located in front." "The stands will have covers on them. " <br /> "Our produce will come from a distributor. " <br />