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MINUTES May 19 , 1994 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. McQuaid questioned Mr. Howes as to what the maximum <br /> amount of time he would like the Board to consider the in- <br /> terim pump-out procedure. <br /> Mr. Howes responded, "I can guarantee that it will be <br /> completed within two weeks. " <br /> Mr. Doherty informed Mr. Howes that he is not favorable <br /> to issuing a full occupancy permit. <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "The Board could consider forward- <br /> ing a letter to the Building Department stating this Board <br /> acknowledges the arrangement. " <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "We would like a copy of a contract <br /> with the pumper stating the system will be pumped on a daily <br /> basis. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "My recommendation to the Board is <br /> to consider this request on the condition that we have a let- <br /> ter from Mr. Howes stating that the pumping station holding <br /> tanks will be inspected daily and pumped as necessary and <br /> transported by a license hauler to their treatment plant <br /> holding tanks and treated as necessary. " "I would also rec- <br /> ommend a letter from Willowbend Corp. indicating a deadline <br /> by which their Country Club tennis/swimming complex will be <br /> tied in. " "I would also recommend Mr. Howes submit a letter <br /> to the Board stating if we grant a temporary occupancy permit <br /> it will be Mr. Howes responsibility to see that the condi- <br /> tions are met within the given time frame. " <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "This Board will not sign-off on a <br /> occupancy permit but we will send a letter of support to the <br /> Building Inspector based on the plan. " "The systems will be <br /> inspected and pumped daily and a copy of the contract must be <br /> submitted to our office. " "Mr. Howes must also submit a let- <br /> ter to this Board which states he will take full responsibil- <br /> ity that the pump stations will be on line within 30 days and <br /> a date by which their Country. Club tennis/swimming complex <br /> will be tied in to the treatment plant. "' <br /> Board members agreed. <br /> *****NEW BUSINESS***** <br /> Mobile Food permit - -"Easy Street Vending" <br /> Mr. Evans stated, "I would recommend the Board approve <br /> this request for a mobile food permit. " <br /> i <br />