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MINUTES May 19 , 1994 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Ball questioned Mr. Howes as to the size of the <br /> holding tank. <br /> Mr. Howes responded, 111000 gallons. " "We are actually <br /> talking about four homes three bedroom homes. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, "We have been as cooperative with <br /> Willowbend, not neglecting our duties, but as cooperative <br /> with Willowbend as we can possibly be. " "Yet here, in this <br /> particular instance, I feel that the Board should seriously <br /> consider signing off on occupancy permits on those until we <br /> know that the treatment plant is on line and the pump sta- <br /> tions are on line. " "I do not want to be put a position <br /> where we have to inspect the pump station or have a perspec- <br /> tive new owner call the Board of Health and complain of <br /> septage problems. " <br /> Mr. Howes explained, "Everything Mr. McQuaid has relayed <br /> is correct. " "The sewerage treatment plant was witnessed and <br /> received the clear water test. " "It is completely func- <br /> tional. " "We have an operator who is running it and makes <br /> daily visits. " "That part of the job is completed with one <br /> exception, that being the Building Inspector did not issue a <br /> certificate of occupancy on the treatment plant because there <br /> were a couple of certifications required from the Architect, <br /> etc. which have now been remedied. " "We are currently await- <br /> ing the Building Inspector's return. " "The treatment plant <br /> will probably receive final sign-off on occupancy once the <br /> building inspector returns on Monday. " "The pumps and pump <br /> stations have all been installed with the exception of the <br /> actual panels, wiring and the electric power utilities to it <br /> which should be completed within the next two weeks. " "We <br /> are in the position of having to find another position to the <br /> dilemma that we have four families who would like to move <br /> in. " "Our remedy to the solution is to have the sewer go to a <br /> holding tank which the contractor will pump on a daily basis <br /> and take to the treatment plant." "The other solution is to <br /> try and install some temporary pumps so that there would be a <br /> working pump which is not a practical solution. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid questioned whether the perspective buyers <br /> need an occupancy permit before the pump stations are fully <br /> on line. <br /> Mr. Howes responded, "They only need an occupancy permit <br /> because we have a contract with them that states we will com- <br /> plete the house on a certain date. " "One is for this week, <br /> one is for the next week and one is for the following week. " <br /> "None of the occupants are permanent residences however, they <br /> do want to move there things in. " <br />