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MINUTES June 9, 1994 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> space for each vehicle. " "The exhaust systems face towards <br /> Route 28 . " "Each vehicle has a 60 gallon fuel capacity. " "We <br /> have provided for a 20' buffer zone on the front and sides of <br /> the lot. " <br /> Mr. Ball requested the installation of M.D.C. drains and <br /> placement of a berm down gradient of the property. <br /> Mr. McQuaid questioned whether there are any active <br /> wells within the protective radius and commented, "I did meet <br /> with Mr. Heller and Mr. McNutt regarding written verification <br /> that Merry Meadow By-Way is tied in to the public water sys- <br /> tem. " "I also questioned whether the Church and Santuit Inn <br /> are tied in. " <br /> Mr. Heller stated, "The water mains are in on Cape Drive <br /> however, they have not been tested or filled. " "I will re- <br /> search as to whether Santuit Inn and the Bookstore are tied <br /> in. " <br /> Mr. McNutt commented, "The pipes have not been completed <br /> but should be in by the next two weeks. " <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "This Board would like the parking lot <br /> paved. " <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to approve construction of a parking <br /> lot for 15 school buses on the property known as "Merry <br /> Meadow By-Way with the stipulation the aforementioned prop- <br /> erty ties into public water, the entire parking area is <br /> paved, prior to parking lot completion, M.D.C. drains are in- <br /> stalled, berms are placed down gradient of the parking lot <br /> and the Church, Santuit Inn and the Bookstore, as well as, <br /> all wells located within a 300' radius of the property are <br /> tied into public water, Mr. Ball seconded. Mr. Doherty ab- <br /> stained. <br /> APPOINTMENT. William Haney - Lakeside Trailer Park <br /> Mr. William Haney, owner of Lakeside Trailer Park and <br /> trailer park residents; Helen Husted, Ben Aldrich and Judith <br /> Bingle were in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Doherty informed Mr. Haney of the complaints this <br /> office has received regarding high iron in the - water, the <br /> lack of an emergency response number and failure to complete <br /> the septic upgrade designs as agreed. <br /> Mr. Haney relayed, "I am a certified water operator. '" <br /> "I am not taking water samples from the wellhead . " "Samples <br /> are being taken from the office and unit #36 only. " <br />