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MINUTES June 9 , 1994 6 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> local zoning regulations. " "I questioned whether this Board <br /> can require a permit from the person going to Boston and buys <br /> wholesale produce and then sets up a produce stand. " "She <br /> informed me a certain percentage must be home grown by the <br /> seller. " <br /> Mr. Smolowitz stated, 1150% of a farmer's produce must be <br /> home grown and it may be sold during the month's of June, <br /> July, August and September. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "I made several other phone calls to <br /> the Department of Public Health, etc. and they all verified <br /> what Mr. Smolowitz and Ms. Comstock had said. " "I questioned <br /> if you bought perishable produce how do we know that once it <br /> is offered for sale to the customer that it has been properly <br /> stored and maintained." "Ms. Comstock replied that is was <br /> inspected by the U.S.D.A. in Boston." <br /> Mr. Doherty relayed, "The Flea Market is permitted under <br /> a Special Permit. " "Portions of the special permit include <br /> the regulation of food products." "The Special Permit spe- <br /> cifically states that any and all food items must be permit- <br /> ted by the Board of Health. " <br /> Mr. Doherty recommended approval. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "I would recommend approval ." <br /> Mr. Ball expressed his concern with the location of the <br /> stand. <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "I will agree to waiver the fee how- <br /> ever, I would like a permit issued that could be displayed. " <br /> Mr. Smolowitz stated, "I will follow up tonight's meet- <br /> ing with a written request. " <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to approve the application for Mr. <br /> Ronald Smolowitz to sell strawberries and home grown produce <br /> at Dick & Ellie's Flea Market and to waive the fee, Mr. Cram <br /> seconded, all agreed. <br /> *Due to Mr. Perlmuter's attendance at this meeting item #4 on <br /> the agenda is out of sequential order. <br /> 4 . ) Letter from R. Perlmuter re: Ille al illin 54 <br /> Thornberry Circle -- Mr. Richard Perlmuter, lot owner, was in <br /> attendance. <br /> Mr. Perlmuter stated, "The builder illegally dumped ma- <br /> terial prior to my purchase of the lot. " <br />