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MINUTES June 9, 1994 7 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Doherty informed Mr. Perlmuter, "Based on the com- <br /> plaints submitted we will have an agent of this Board make a <br /> site visit. " "I would motion this Board direct the agent to <br /> forward a letter to the builder and excavator stating this <br /> Board is investigating a complaint of illegal dumping and <br /> burying of building material on this lot and request their <br /> attendance at an upcoming meeting, Mr. Cram seconded, all <br /> agreed. <br /> 3 . ) Letter from Bayport Homes re Illegal filling Sgntuit <br /> Woods - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Prior to Bayport Homes pur- <br /> chasing the subdivision the original developer used an area, <br /> that they may have considered unbuildable, to fill all their <br /> trees, stumps, etc. with. " "It has now settled and become a <br /> kettle hole." "The two abutters have been complaining to <br /> Bayport Homes about it. " "This letter from Bayport Homes in- <br /> dicates to the Building Inspector that they are not respon- <br /> sible. " "The abutters did forward a copy to D.E.P. who have <br /> since made a site visit and determined the entire area must <br /> be excavated. " <br /> Acknowledged. <br /> 5. ) Copy �of bi-monthly transfer stgtion inspection - Ac- <br /> knowledged. <br /> 6. ) Correspondence from Town Counsgl re: Flow control - Mr. <br /> McQuaid commented, "Based on the Supreme Court decision I <br /> would recommend we forward a memo to Selectmen Costa urging <br /> him to reconsider the joint venture for a wastewater treat- <br /> ment plant at Otis. " <br /> Mr. Cram stated, "I spoke with Selectmen Costa who rec- <br /> ommended this Board discuss the matter with the Board of Se- <br /> lectmen. " <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "This places some serious doubt <br /> on the feasibility of proceeding with the project. <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to direct the agent to forward a <br /> memo to the Selectmen informing them of this matter and re- <br /> quest- to meet with them, Mr. Cram seconded, all agreed. <br /> 7 . ) Invitation to tour Otis base landfill - Mr. Cram to at- <br /> tend. <br /> 8 . ) Letter of complaint re: 177 HoopRole ad & 55 Ouaker <br /> Run Road <br /> 177 HOOPPOLE ROAD - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "I inspected the <br /> site with the Animal Control Officer." "The cabin is abso- <br /> lutely isolated from the complaintant's property. " "The <br />