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MINUTES June 16 , 1994 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> discharge of dialysis is not toxic but could be detrimental <br /> to the groundwater. " <br /> 10. ) Memo from Selectmen, re: Legal Services - Acknowledged. <br /> 11. ) Portion of T.E.A.C. minutes re: Ponds - Mr. Ball di- <br /> rected the Agent to inform the new media of this Board's <br /> stance on swimming and eating from John's and Ashumet Ponds <br /> 12. ) For „discussion, 3 Marway - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "I <br /> would recommend the voluntary upgrade however, the engineer <br /> and I both agree the silty material should be removed. <br /> Acknowledged. <br /> 13 . ) Copy of colgolaint re: 34 Tri-Town Circle - Mr. McQuaid <br /> relayed, "There are no plans on file which would indicate the <br /> type of system in the ground however, in my opinion, the num- <br /> ber of people living in the house is a zoning issue unless we <br /> have evidence that the system is backing up or in failure. " <br /> Acknowledged. <br /> 14. ) "Hot Car" update - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "A Radio <br /> Physicist was retained to inspect the loads for the radioac- <br /> tive material. " "The material was found and according to <br /> Bill Feddema it was a military aircraft horizon lock-in in- <br /> strument that contained radium." "The instrument was not <br /> broken. " "It was isolated and placed in a 55 gallon drum and <br /> taken to North Carolina. " "The cost for disposing of the <br /> drum will be determined at a later date. " "It is hoped the <br /> military will fund the entire amount. " "I would recommend we <br /> forward a letter to the Board of Managers indicating the town <br /> of Mashpee should not be held responsible for payment to dis- <br /> pose of the instrument. " <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to forward a letter to the Board of <br /> Managers indicating the town of Mashpee should not be held <br /> responsible for any costs incurred to dispose of the instru- <br /> ment, Mr. Cram seconded, all agreed. <br /> *****OLD BUSINESS***** <br /> School bus parking lot - Mr. McQuaid relayed he is still re- <br /> searching the matter. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Cheryln Peters - Annual "Pow-Wow" <br /> Ms. Cheryln Peters was in attendance for this scheduled <br /> appointment. <br />