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MINUTES June 16 , 1994 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> 6. ) Application for one day food permit - Arts Council - <br /> Mr. Evans relayed, "This is a nonprofit organization who is <br /> requesting a temporary 4 day food stand permit and request- <br /> ing the Board waive the fee. <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to grant a 4 day temporary food <br /> stand permit to the Mashpee Arts Council effective June 18 , <br /> 1994 thru June 22 , 1994 and to waive the fee, Mr. Cram sec- <br /> onded, all agreed. <br /> 7. ) Application for food permit - Willowbend Pro-Am - Mr. <br /> McQuaid relayed, "The "Pro-Am" will benefit a children's <br /> charity. <br /> Mr. Evans relayed, "This is a catering company who will <br /> be charged as per the fee schedule." "This is a one day <br /> event. " "They are proposing four temporary food stands and <br /> one roving mobile unit. " <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to grant a one day temporary food <br /> stand permit to "King Neptune Caterer's" as requested, Mr. <br /> Cram seconded, all agreed. <br /> 8. ) Request for appeal of Board decision Moshonisiou - Mr. <br /> McQuaid relayed, "I contacted Stetson Hall and informed him <br /> what occurred at last week's meeting. " "I questioned whether <br /> the letter from the lab director was authorized to be sent <br /> through B.C.H.E.D. . " "Mr. Hall , the Director, stated he had <br /> no knowledge of this and indicated the letter was sent unau- <br /> thorized. " "He also stated the lab director is not familiar j <br /> with the history of the pollution emanating from the base. " <br /> "Mr. Hall was going to contact the lab director and forward a <br /> letter to this Board indicating the County Health <br /> Department's position on whether or not to allow irrigation <br /> wells. " "Mr. Hall concurred with us that no wells should be <br /> allowed in Briarwood. "" "As we are awaiting a response from <br /> him I would recommend we continue this matter until we re- <br /> ceive the letter. " <br /> Board members agreed to continue this matter pending re- <br /> ceipt of the letter. <br /> 9 . ) Response from D.,.,F P re: Dialysis facility - Mr. <br /> McQuaid relayed, "'D.E.P. is requiring a groundwater discharge <br /> permit. " "We had a few companies approach the Board of <br /> Health to establish a kidney dialysis facility, one at Pine <br /> Tree Plaza and one at John Pond's Plaza. '" "In both in- <br /> stances, where neither properties are connected to town <br /> sewer, it would be considered industrial discharge and D.E.P. <br /> approval would be required. " "D.E.P. response is that a <br /> groundwater discharge permit would be required and will in- <br /> clude establishing monitoring wells down gradient. " "The <br />