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MINUTES June 16, 1994 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> APPOINTMENT: Cape & Islands - 68 Uncle Edwards Road <br /> Mr. David Sanicki was in attendance for this scheduled <br /> appointment. <br /> Mr. Sanicki stated, "I did notify abutters however, I do <br /> not have the certified mail receipts. " "The owner is propos- <br /> ing a full foundation beneath the structure. " "In order to <br /> do that the septic system must be upgraded. " "The existing <br /> cesspool is 61' from the abutting house well. " "We are pro- <br /> posing to move the leaching facility as far away from the <br /> abutting lot as feasible. " "The soil tests indicate fill <br /> down to 6' therefore, we have to do a strip." "To move the <br /> septic system closer to the property line and ask for a side- <br /> line variance I can't strip the abutting property. " "For <br /> leaching we felt it best to keep the full strip and put the <br /> septic system in as proposed." "As such, we will be 91' to <br /> the active and hopefully before the reserve which is 88' from <br /> the existing well." "Hopefully before the reserve comes in <br /> the abutting property will hookup to town water. " "We are <br /> making the situation better than it is with a Title V <br /> system. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "The abutting owner came in this af- <br /> ternoon." "I presented him the plan and indicated what was <br /> going on, that the owner of this property is voluntarily up- <br /> grading his septic system, is not increasing his living space <br /> and that the groundwater flow is not in the direction of his <br /> well . " "The abutter did not object to the variance and sub- <br /> sequently, relayed that he intends to tie into public water. " <br /> "I would recommend we request the owner to file the affidavit <br /> that agrees to no increase in habitable space at the Registry <br /> of Deeds. " <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to grant a 9' variance from abut- <br /> ting well to the proposed on-site leaching facility with the <br /> stipulation the owner agree to record with the Registry of <br /> Deeds the affidavit which states there will be no increase in <br /> habitable space, Mr. Cram seconded, all agreed. <br /> APPOINTMENT: P. DiIorio - 64 Sunset Circle <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "The owner has resolved the problem <br /> with the tenant therefore this matter is closed. " <br /> 5. ) Application for geRtage haute 's license - ""Se - ec " - <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to grant a 1994 septage hauler's license <br /> to the firm "Sep--Tech" , Mr. Cram seconded, all agreed. <br />