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MINUTES July 7, 1994 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> they themselves predict that it will impact and increase the <br /> amount of oil we collect at the Transfer Station thereby im- <br /> pacting our budget. " "I questioned whether there were funds <br /> available to offset any increases of which the answer was <br /> no. " "I encourage the proper collection of used motor oil <br /> however, as they want it disposed of at the transfer station <br /> I wish we were consulted beforehand. " "I would recommend we <br /> forward a letter to the County expressing our support, as <br /> well as, our displeasure and ask that they consider or per- <br /> haps develop some type of funding program to help offset any <br /> increases associated with the oil collection. " <br /> Mr. Cram commented, "If those businesses selling oil <br /> will not accept the recycled product then shouldn't this be <br /> taken away from their merchandising price, as far as, the <br /> product is concerned. " <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "I don't think that flexibility is <br /> in the pricing structure. " "Perhaps we should petition the <br /> County or our local legislator's to consider some type of <br /> bottle deposit on motor oil. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, '.'During calendar year 1993 we <br /> spent $440.00 to recycle our waste oil ." "There were about <br /> six 55 gallon drums of contaminated waste oil. " "Those drums <br /> cost us $900.00 to dispose of. " "In my opinion we also need <br /> to educate the people. " <br /> Mr. Doherty relayed, "We should take a look at the oil <br /> setup at the landfill as there is a bypass valve for con- <br /> taminated oil however, I believe it is not functioning prop- <br /> erly. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "The fire department is concerned <br /> about our waste oil collection system. " "They will be con- <br /> ducting an inspection next week at which time that issue will <br /> be addressed." <br /> Mr. Doherty reiterated his earlier commented recommend- <br /> ing this Board forward a letter to the County expressing our <br /> concerns and recommending the possibility of a bottle de- <br /> posit. Mr. Doherty stated he will prepare a letter for Board <br /> members review at next week's meeting. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Harold Wiggins - 5 Star Recycling <br /> Mr. Wiggins was in attendance for this scheduled ap- <br /> pointment. <br /> Mr. Wiggins relayed, "Our intent for our recycling fa- <br /> cility is to handle both commercial and residential for the <br /> entire Cape. " <br />