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MINUTES July 7, 1994 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Doherty questioned Mr. Wiggins as to whether zoning <br /> requirements have been met. <br /> Mr. Wiggins responded, "The area is zoned for the in- <br /> tended use. " "According to studies performed the County <br /> Commissioner's, Cape Cod generates 143 tons per day of recy- <br /> clable material. " "In my opinion the proposed facility will <br /> accommodate the entire Cape. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, "The conclusion of the Cape Cod <br /> Commission's study, which cost $100,000.00, was that it did <br /> not make sense to build one recycling transfer station to <br /> handle the entire Cape. " "Subsequently, the entire concept <br /> of the Cape wide M.R.F. was dropped by the Commission. " <br /> "D.E.P. has money available to build a recycling transfer <br /> station at Otis adjacent to our trash transfer station at no <br /> cost to the town. " "I am recommending the Board consider Mr. <br /> Wiggins proposal however, we should be aware there is an on- <br /> going process, taking place as we speak, to build a <br /> mini-recycling transfer station at Otis." . <br /> Mr. Wiggins stated, "Our facility is a true M.R.F. , to <br /> grade the material and send it off to designated paying mar- <br /> kets." "The facility could be open in a month. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "The facility will require a spe- <br /> cial permit from the Board of Appeals." <br /> APPOINTMENT: ARO Engineering - 134 Algonquin Avenue <br /> Mr. Robert Raymond and Ms. Louise Behrman, abutter were <br /> in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Raymond submitted revised plans and certified mail <br /> receipts and commented, "We are requesting a 43 ' local vari- <br /> ance between the proposed on-site leaching facility to abut- <br /> ting well, (Behrman residence) and a 10' State sideline vari- <br /> ance. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "The Conservation Commission agent <br /> was having trouble verifying the distance to wetlands due to <br /> the slope and brush on the property. " "He did agree to meet <br /> with the engineer to verify the distance. " <br /> Ms. Behrman commented, "It is an extremely steep lot. " <br /> "My concern is the home remains a two bedroom home. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "There is a Title V sideline vari- <br /> ance required, based on the system being pushed into that <br /> corner out of necessity of the wetlands and the abutting well <br /> it limits the house to two bedrooms which requires <br /> 220/g.p.d. . " "The engineer has allotted 243/g.p.d. which <br />