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r <br /> MINUTES August 18, 1994 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Powers stated, "We currently sell our produce at the <br /> Fall River Farmer's Market in on Wednesdays and Saturday's. " <br /> "We have a six foot table and canvas for the top. " "We plan <br /> on prepackaging the lettuce, everything else will be in boxes <br /> and wrapped when purchased. " <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to grant a farm stand permit to <br /> Marie Powers d/b/a "Elizardo Farms" with the stipulation pro- <br /> duce is sold within the confines of Dick & Ellie's Flea Mar- <br /> ket and to prorate the Farm Stand fee to $12 . 50, Mr. Cram <br /> seconded, all agreed. <br /> V.O.C. test results John's Pond <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "V.O.C. tests results from August <br /> 10 testing at Brickyard beach indicated slight hits of <br /> toluene at 1. 1 ppb, trimethylbenzene at 0. 7 ppb and total <br /> zylenes at 1 . 4 ppb. " "The maximum contaminant levels for <br /> drinking water standards on toluene is 1000 ppb, <br /> trimethylbenzene has no M.C.L. 's and total zylenes is set at <br /> 10,000 ppb. " "Subsequently, I did retest that area." "The <br /> County is convinced it is a lab error or residue from the <br /> boats. " <br /> urgency Failure Certification 8 Hemlock Drive <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "The existing system is Title V <br /> with a 1000 tank. " "The leach pit was found to be full ." <br /> "Whoever the installer was when the house was constructed did <br /> not set the pit deep enough. " <br /> Board members forwarded their signatures to the "Emer- <br /> gency Repair Certification" form. <br /> Request _ from Defeo, Waite and Pare ,to waive perc fees for <br /> proposed high school <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to waive the perc fees, Mr. Doherty <br /> seconded, all agreed. <br /> Variance requests - #48 Hogan Drive <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "This is a preapproved <br /> subdivision. " "Based on the master plan there are sig- <br /> nificant variances requested. " <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to grant the following variances: <br /> 27' local variance from abutting well #22 Palmer Road to the <br /> Proposed on-site leaching facility, 17' local variance from <br /> abutting well #26 Palmer Road to the proposed on-site leach- <br /> ing facility, 5' State sideline variance, 33' local variance <br /> from the proposed on-site well to the proposed on-site leach- <br />