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t ` <br /> MINUTES August 18, 1994 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> quote is $4 , 210 .00. " "ABCO was reduced by $200 .00 as he also <br /> submitted a quote with $50.00 allotted to each lot for <br /> reloaming and seed. " "ABCO's final quote was $5,050.00. " <br /> "Aqua Jet is $3 ,735.00. " "Ron's Excavating is $3 ,640.00 . " <br /> "As of yet, Ms. Lutsz has not signed up for water service. " <br /> "Four units are ready for hook-up. " <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to award excavating services, (which <br /> are to include all plumbing associated services) , for public <br /> water hook-up to four with a possibility of up to seven <br /> homes in the High Sachem Estates subdivision to Mr. Ronald <br /> Gangemi d/b/a "Ron's Excavating" , Mr. Cram seconded. <br /> 7. ) variance request-3 Mutiny Way - Mr. McQuaid relayed, <br /> "Public water will service the proposed dwelling. " "The <br /> owner is requesting a 29' local variance from abutting well, <br /> (#9 Mutiny Way) , to the proposed leaching facility. " <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to grant a 29' local variance with <br /> the stipulation public water service the dwelling prior to <br /> occupancy, Mr. Cram seconded, all agreed. <br /> *****NEW BUSINESS***** <br /> Copy of letter from Fire Chief to D.P.W. Superintendent re: <br /> Disposal of Waste Oil from Fire Dept. <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "I spoke with Chief Baker who re- <br /> layed that the D.P.W. does not have the facilities that we do <br /> at the Transfer Station to handle waste oil . " "Chief Baker <br /> informed me that at most the fire department generates 150 <br /> gallons of waste oil per year. " "I informed him, in my opin- <br /> ion, we could handle that at the Transfer Station however, it <br /> would require a Board vote. " <br /> Mr. Ball questioned, "Why the D.P.W. would be unable to <br /> handle the oil as funds were appropriated at town meeting for <br /> that purpose. " <br /> Mr. Doherty stated he would research the matter and re- <br /> port back to Board members with his findings. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Marie Powers - Farm Stand at Dick & Ellie's <br /> Ms. Powers and Mr. Joe Lizado were in attendance for <br /> this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Ms. Powers contacted me indicating <br /> her interest to set-up a farm stand at Dick & Ellie's Flea <br /> Market. " "Ms. Powers informed me she is a local farmer and <br /> grows her own produce which she intends to sell at the flea <br /> market. " <br />