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MINUTES September 8 , 1994 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> 8. ) Variance request, 6 & 52 Hogan Drive <br /> 6 HOGAN DRIVE Mr. McQuaid relayed this is a preapproved <br /> subdivision. " "I would recommend the Board approve the fol- <br /> lowing variances; a 17' local variance from the on-site pro- <br /> posed leaching facility to abutting well (lot 24 Old <br /> Barnstable Road) and a 15' local variance from the proposed <br /> on-site leaching facility to the proposed on-site well. " <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to grant the variances as stated by <br /> Mr. McQuaid, Mr. Cram seconded, all agreed. <br /> 52 HOGAN DRIVE - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "This is preapproved <br /> subdivision. " "I would recommend the Board approve the fol- <br /> lowing variances; a 19' local variance from abutting well <br /> (lot 21 Hogan Drive) to the proposed on-site leaching facil- <br /> ity and a 38' local variance from the proposed on-site leach- <br /> ing facility to the proposed on-site well. <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to grant the variances as stated by <br /> Mr. McQuaid, Mr. Doherty seconded, all agreed. <br /> *****NEW BUSINESS***** <br /> Perc extension request - 31 Nobska Road <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "The initial perc was conducted <br /> March 10, 1993 ." "I would recommend a six month extension. " <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to grant a six month perc extension <br /> from date of expiration, Mr. Doherty seconded, all agreed. <br /> Request for reimbursement - 19 High Sachem Road <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "The homeowner, located in the High <br /> Sachem Estates subdivision, purchased his home in 1990 and is <br /> requesting the town reimburse him for tying into public wa- <br /> ter. " <br /> Mr. Ball directed the agent to notify the homeowner that <br /> his only recourse is to request reimbursement through the <br /> Board of Selectmen. <br /> Being no further business Mr. Doherty motioned to adjourn <br /> this meeting at 7: 27 p.m. , Mr. Cram seconded, all agreed. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Veronica Warden, Adm. Sec. <br />