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MINUTES September 15, 1994 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mar. McQuaid expressed his concern with the possibility <br /> of disrupting some unknown contaminated barrels thereby mak- <br /> ing the situation worse and putting the town at a greater li- <br /> ability risk. <br /> Mr. Doherty questioned Mr. Boyd as to how that would af- <br /> fect their proposal for the landfill. <br /> Mr. Boyd responded, "We have a contingency plan to deal <br /> with any hazardous material that may be found. " "We would <br /> work in a fairly confined area under excavation. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid questioned Mr. Boyd as to the approximate <br /> costs for reclamation of the entire landfill assuming no haz- <br /> ardous drums are found. <br /> Mr. Boyd responded, "There may not be any savings. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "To date, D.E.P. has only approved <br /> one pilot study reclamation in the southeast region. " <br /> Mr. Doherty questioned Mr. Boyd as to the costs for the <br /> feasibility study. <br /> Mr. Boyd stated, "The feasibility study is in the realm <br /> of $40,000.00 to $60,000.00. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid informed Mr. Boyd the town does have an ap- <br /> proved capping plan and commented, "I do not think it would <br /> be unwise to request the company perform the feasibility <br /> study, direct their proposal to D.E.P. , and get approval for <br /> a pilot study in Mashpee. " "This would show they can do what <br /> they say their doing and if their successful , with no liabil- <br /> ity to the town, it would be a selling point for them to go <br /> to other communities on the Cape and elsewhere in southeast- <br /> ern Massachusetts. " <br /> Mr. Ball relayed to Mr. Boyd, "This Board is interested <br /> in learning your costs for reducing the landfill and leaving <br /> the reclaimed material for the town to dispose of and costs <br /> to reduce the landfill and remove all reclaimed materials. " <br /> Mr. Boyd stated, "I will send a proposal to this Board <br /> stating our intentions and approximate costs, if the Board <br /> agrees with the proposal we can work together on a proposal <br /> to the State. " <br /> 3 . ) Letter from S. Jones re: Recycling operation - Mr. <br /> Doherty volunteered to respond to Ms. Jones letter. <br /> 4 . ) Conservation jurisdiction explanation - Acknowledged. <br /> f <br />