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09/15/1994 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
09/15/1994 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES September 15 , 1994 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> finance, at very favorable interest rates , this type of ac- <br /> tivity under some changes in rules the E.P.A. requires or <br /> through wastewater treatment plant revolving accounts. " <br /> "There is an opportunity in Massachusetts to borrow money to <br /> do a project like this below market rates of interest over a <br /> long period of time." "Our approach to looking at any poten- <br /> tial reclamation site is to identify some of the basic char- <br /> acteristics of the site, fine out what the site owners goals <br /> are for the site and then to work out the details for a fea- <br /> sibility study to see if, given the goals and nature of the <br /> site as we see it, reclamation is going to be feasible. " <br /> "Our experience is that you can get down to a level of qual- <br /> ity on the site that would be acceptable for the future use <br /> depending on the nature of the site. " <br /> Mr. Bojack questioned the Board as to what the costs are <br /> to cap the landfill . <br /> Mr. Ball responded, 11$100,000.00 per acre." <br /> Mr. Bojack responded, "What we would propose after the <br /> feasibility study is to see if we can dig it up for ap- <br /> proximately $500,000.00 which would leave you with a smaller <br /> footprint. " <br /> Mr. Boyd stated, "The economic value of reclamation if <br /> based on a number of factors. " "The positives would be in <br /> saving money on closures which would be the initial costs of <br /> capping and the long term monitoring. " "The other thing is <br /> if we were able to completely remove the waste from the land- <br /> fill and bring it back to grade you have a useful piece of <br /> real estate. " "The first part of a feasibility study would <br /> involve looking at your history of the site. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid questioned Mr. Boyd as to how they make it <br /> economically feasible for them to tackle such a small land- <br /> fill as ours. <br /> Mr. Boyd responded, "We have worked on both larger and <br /> smaller landfills. " <br /> Mr. Doherty questioned, "While your excavating the mate- <br /> rial do you take title to whatever material is recovered. " <br /> Mr. Boyd responded, "Subject to negotiation we would <br /> take whatever responsibility the town was comfortable with in <br /> dealing with material that came out. " "If you wanted us to <br /> take responsibility for the disposal of the waste for the <br /> disposition of the recyclables and whatever could be done <br /> with the soil we would handle that as part of the contract <br /> and then adjust the price to you accordingly. " <br />
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