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MINUTES September 22, 1994 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> 6.) Response to D.E.P. re: Landfill closure - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "I would <br /> recommend Board members review the letter for continent at next week's meeting." "All <br /> seven homes in the High Sachem Estates subdivision are being serviced by town water." <br /> "This should reclassify the town to a potential threat." "A revised closure and capping <br /> schedule has been submitted to D.E.P. for their approval." "They will be contacting us to <br /> schedule a meeting to discuss the submission of proof that we have submitted to them <br /> including our land use restrictions and addressing bulky goods disposal." <br /> Board members will review the letter for comments at next week's meeting. <br /> 7.) Copy of Board of Health article re: Regional plant en ing eering funds - Mr. <br /> McQuaid relayed, "In reviewing articles for the upcoming town meeting I noticed an <br /> article was submitted by the Board of Health to raise and appropriate money to the <br /> Wastewater Facility Planning Account to fund preliminary engineering work." "We never <br /> agreed to submit this article." "This has to do with re-engineering the plant from a 6.5 <br /> mullion to a $750,000.00 plant." "A Board member should research the matter so that it is <br /> properly presented at town meeting." <br /> Mr. Doherty volunteered to research the matter. <br /> 8.) Preliminary subdivision Man, L. Sullivan, Holland Mills extension - Mr. McQuaid <br /> relayed, "This was continued from last week's meeting." "I spoke with Selectmen Costa <br /> and the Town Planner who informed me the area proposed for the subdivision was deeded <br /> open space." "The Planning Board will deny the proposed subdivision as it is in violation <br /> of the special permit." "1 would recommend we forward a letter to the Planning Board <br /> informing them we will withhold any comment on this extension of the subdivision until <br /> the issue of open space is resolved." <br /> Board members agreed. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Dan O'Sullivan - A.C. Disposal <br /> Mr. Sullivan was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Sullivan stated, "My brother and I are proposing to provide curbside pickup of <br /> trash and recyclable items to the residents of Mashpee." "We make weekly runs for trash <br /> and will pickup recyclables twice a month." "We are a new company and would like to <br /> request the Board prorate the hauler's license fee for the remainder of the year." "We are <br /> licensed and bonded in Sandwich and Otis." <br />