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MINUTES September 29, 1994 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> they would allow a downsized plant." "Mr. Greelish and I recommended that we hire an <br /> outside firm tojprepare those figures and prepare the package to present to D.E.P. for <br /> them to consider a variance to downsize the plant." "It was decided that we would ask <br /> Weston & Sampson to tabulate those figures as they have worked with other towns in <br /> preparing treatment plants for high schools." "The High School Building Committee <br /> would receive funds to pay for the engineering time Weston & Sampson would have to <br /> devote to this but the bill would be addressed to the Building Committee through the <br /> Board of Health." <br /> Board members agreed to the billing procedure. <br /> B. Town Meeting Article <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "It is going to cost approximately $40,000.00 for the <br /> engineer's to redesign the plant which would satisfy both towns needs for the foreseeable <br /> future." "A Board of Health member must present the article at town meeting.". "The <br /> Executive Secretary questioned the funds in our Facility Plan account." "There is <br /> $14,700.00 remaining in that account however, the Board may wish to keep a portion of <br /> that money for future use in another project." <br /> Mr. Doherty agreed to consult with Selectmen Costa regarding the amount of <br /> funds from the Facility Plan account to expend on redesigning the plant and to speak, on <br /> behalf of the Board, on town meeting floor regarding the $40,000.00 appropriation. <br /> Being no further business Mr. Cram motioned to adjourn this meeting at 7.31 p.m., Mr. <br /> Doherty seconded, all agreed. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Veronica Warden, Adm. Sec. <br />