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10/27/1994 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
10/27/1994 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES October 27, 1994 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> permit level hasn't been reached but the deadline by which the treatment plant should have <br /> been on line expired June 1, 1994 therefore, no more building permits will be issued to <br /> Stratford Ponds unless the special permit has been amended and approved by the Planning <br /> Board and the Board of Health." <br /> Board members acknowledged the information relayed by Mr. McQuaid. <br /> 7.) Letter from S. Jones re: Recycling - Acknowledged. <br /> 8.) Proposed municipal vehicle use poligy - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "I was involved in <br /> the drafting of the policy." "I have no problems with it." "It will not change our policy as <br /> far as my use of the town vehicle other than having to file a monthly report for tax <br /> purposes." "The Board of Health can continue to authorize me to use the vehicle on your <br /> behalf" <br /> Acknowledged. <br /> 9.) Bi-monthly landfill/transfer station inspection report - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Mr. <br /> DiMaggio was instructed to cleanup the waste oil area and the scrap metal pile is in the <br /> process of being removed." <br /> Acknowledged. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Madelyn Sheltra - Illegal Dumping <br /> Ms. Sheltra was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "On a routine back road investigation I came across some <br /> evidence of illegal dumping." "At first it was attributed to one of Ms. Sheltra's tenants, <br /> Lisamarie Morin." "Ms. Morin came before the Board, along with her newly wedded <br /> husband and indicated to the Board that she lived at Ms. Sheltra's property in Hyannis." <br /> "The Board agreed to rescind the $300.00 citation based on the fact that Ms. Morin was a <br /> tenant of Ms. Sheltra's property." "The Board also instructed Ms. Morin to cleanup the <br /> illegal dumping which she did." "There were eleven bags of trash off a dirt road here in <br /> Mashpee." "In cleaning up the trash Ms. Morin came across some other evidence of <br /> another tenant of Ms. Sheltra's which I presented to the Board." "The State law <br /> mandates that if you are operating a rooming house you are responsible for the disposal of <br /> trash." "We have evidence of two of Ms. Sheltra's tenant's trash being illegally dumped in <br /> Mashpee." "The Board, two weeks ago, voted to request you attend this meeting and <br />
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