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MINUTES October 27, 1994 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> explain how this could happen." "If there's no reasonable explanation then you will be <br /> held liable for a $300,00 fine." <br /> Ms. Sheltra stated, "I don't know how Lisa's name got in there at all because she <br /> was a tenant." "Scott Bodash had an apartment and emptied his own trash." "Mr. <br /> Bodash went back to New Hampshire." "In the process of moving he had a small trailer in <br /> the driveway." "He had several bags that he took out of the trailer that I had to get rid <br /> of." "I can't explain how it happened." <br /> Mr. McQuaid informed Ms. Sheltra, "You as landlady are responsible for the <br /> disposal of the trash of your tenants." "In ray opinion it doesn't matter how it got there, <br /> it's your trash as the landlady." "We have the evidence." <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "When Lisa was in here she stated that quite often you <br /> would tell the tenants that you were taking the trash out." <br /> Mr. Sheltra responded, "My son-in law disposes of it for me and he has a sticker <br /> for the Barnstable dump." "I paid for his sticker so he would take the trash." "Scott <br /> always took the responsibility of disposing of his trash." "It had to be Mr. Bodash." "I do <br /> have his phone number as he owes me money." <br /> Mr. McQuaid reiterated his earlier comment, "The point is Ms. Sheltra is <br /> responsible for the proper disposal of her trash from her rental property." "It doesn't <br /> matter who dumped this she is held responsible." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "I would like to continue this matter pending research as to <br /> who the temporary license plate was issued to." "I would also direct the agent to attempt <br /> to contact Mr. Bodash," <br /> Mr. Ball requested Ms. Sheltra provide proof that she does have a sticker for the <br /> Barnstable landfill and a letter from her son-in law which states he does dispose of the <br /> trash from her residence. <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to continue this matter until November 10, 1994 Board of <br /> Health meeting, Mr. Cram seconded, all agreed. <br /> I <br /> APPOINTMENT: Tom Potts/Kenny Marsters - "The Highlands" <br /> Mr. Thomas Potts, Attorney Jeremy Carter, Mr. Kenny Marsters and Attorney <br /> Kevin Kirraine were in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> - <br /> a <br />