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12/01/1994 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
12/01/1994 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES December 1, 1994 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> 3.) Vehicle Use Policy - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "The Executive Secretary has <br /> rendered a decision as to who is emergency personnel." "The Board of Health agents <br /> were not included. <br /> Mr. Doherty stated he will research the matter. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Tom Fudala - Comprehensive Plan <br /> Mr. Fudala was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Discussion took place regarding amendments to the proposed Comprehensive <br /> Plan. <br /> Board members and Mr. Fudala agreed to amendments discussed this evening. <br /> 8) Request for modification of Willowbend Special Permit - Mr. McQuaid requested <br /> Mr. Fudala brief the Board on this matter. <br /> Mr. Fudala stated, "Somewhere along the line when it was discovered that D.E.P. <br /> would not allow individual lots to tie into their treatment plant there had already been a <br /> number of lots sold out, 27 I believe, to various parties." "Those lots could not be <br /> brought back in to a condominium association which is what Willowbend is doing with the <br /> rest of the project." "The Planning Board at that time agreed that if approved by the <br /> Board of Health the 27 lots did not have to tie into the treatment plant until such time as it <br /> became legal for them to do so." "It is required in their deeds." "Apparently, Mr. <br /> Fireman bought back some of the 27 lots which do not yet have dwellings on them." <br /> "They have a closing on a lot that is not one of the twenty-seven lots." "They would like <br /> to trade this lot for two of the other lots they bought back so that the new lot would be <br /> allowed to have the septic system on an interim basis and two of the old twenty-seven <br /> would have to tie into the new treatment plant and become part of the condominium." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "I would recommended the Board request Mr. Fireman to <br /> condominiumize those lots he bought back so they would be required to tie into the <br /> treatment plant. "The sewer lines and pump stations are in and the plant is operating." <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to forward a letter to the Planning Board requesting they <br /> postpone their decision until such time as this Board discusses the matter of lot <br /> conveyance with a representative from Willowbend, Mr. Ball seconded. <br /> 4.) Notice of landfill capping, rant - Acknowledged. <br />
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