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MINUTES December 29, 1994 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Board members forwarded their signatures to the "Emergency Repair <br /> Certification" form. <br /> *****OLD BUSINESS***** <br /> Town Vehicle Policy <br /> Mr. McQuaid informed Board members, "As of next Tuesday my vehicle must be <br /> stored in the vehicle security area." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "In researching the matter the vehicle belongs to the town <br /> even though it was paid for and maintained out of our budget." "I would like to forward a <br /> memo to the Executive Secretary stating our position on the matter." "It is meddling in <br /> the affairs of the department and we were led to believe that vehicle use would remain as it <br /> was." <br /> Mr. Ball directed the Agent to forward a memo to the Executive Secretary stating <br /> this Boards position on the matter. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Five Star Enterprises - Melvin Reine <br /> Mr. McQuaid informed Board members, "Mr. Reine has requested this matter be <br /> continued until next weeks meeting." <br /> Board members agreed to the continuance. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Cape& Islands Engineering - 90 Popponesset Island Road <br /> Mr. John Slavinsky, P.E. was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Slavinsky relayed, "We are requesting a letter from the Board of Health <br /> approving the installation of a Bio-clere system." "We are not requesting any variances." <br /> "We have leaching 4 1/2' above groundwater and we installed a monitoring well on <br /> October 13, 1994." "There is a groundwater range of about 5 inches." "In order to put a <br /> four bedroom dwelling on this lot the Mashpee Conservation Commission by-laws require <br /> a reduction in nitrogen loading by about 60%." "The only solution would be a Bio-clere <br /> system which requires Board of Health approval." "This lot was issued an "Order of <br /> Conditions" in 1998 however, it has since expired." <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, "Plans were approved in 1986." <br />