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01/26/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
01/26/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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f `t <br /> t <br /> MINUTES January 26, 1995 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "I would recommend we continue this matter until next <br /> week's meeting which would allow Board members to come up with their own individual <br /> strategies." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "I would recommend we require one half of the required fee <br /> now and one half in July." <br /> Mr. Cram stated, "That would satisfy the immediate need." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "At the end of the calendar year the Board can review the <br /> fees." <br /> Mr. Evans commented, "Initially, the fee schedule was setup to defray the cost of <br /> running this department on a per hour basis." "The fee schedule for all smaller locations <br /> was $100.00." "It takes about $100.00 per hour to run this department." <br /> Mr. Doherty questioned what organization licenses massage therapists and <br /> suggested the Board continue this matter pending further information. <br /> Agreed. <br /> 4.) Monitoring well analysis, fee schedule - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "I am concerned <br /> that we will now be charged $483.00 per monitoring well around the landfill when we <br /> have about 18 or 20 monitoring wells that should be monitored semiannually." "I <br /> contacted Stetson Hall at B.C.H.E.D. and learned that this fee schedule has not be <br /> adopted as of yet, it is a proposed ordinance." "Mr. Hall acknowledges the fact that small <br /> towns such as Mashpee would be tremendously affected should this become law and we <br /> would have to budget it for us in our annual appropriations." "He indicated should this <br /> become law enough leeway would be given to towns like Mashpee to appropriate the <br /> necessary funds to incorporate this added expense in our budget for landfill monitoring." <br /> Mr. Ball questioned whether any grants are available. <br /> Mr. McQuaid responded, "No." <br /> 1 Mr. Doherty stated, "I would recommend the Board forward letters to our county <br /> representative and the county commissioner's expressing our concerns with the proposed <br /> fee schedule and remind them that from time to time we have purchased equipment to <br /> offset some of their operating expenses. <br />
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