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r <br /> MINUTES January 26, 1995 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Board members agreed. <br /> 5.) Letter from League of Women Voters re: Meeting Attendance - Dr. Carrie <br /> Saunders and Ms. Ernestine Gray members of the League of Women Voters were in <br /> attendance to observe Board of Health meetings. <br /> 6.) "FAST°'sewage system information - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Mr. John Rowland <br /> submitted this information to us regarding another alternative septic system." "I did <br /> inform him the Board may request his attendance at an upcoming meeting to discuss the <br /> process as we have done with the "Bio-clere" and "Ruck" systems." <br /> Mr. Ball directed the agent to request Mr. Rowland attend an up coming meeting <br /> to discuss his alternative septic system. <br /> FOR DISCUSSION: <br /> Proposed County Wide Smoking Regulation - Mr. Cram stated, "I did make a <br /> comparison with our local regulation and the county's proposed regulation." "Our <br /> regulation has been well accepted." "In my opinion I think it should be placed to the <br /> voters in town." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "I disagree, this is a health issue not an economics issue." "If <br /> you look at it as strictly a health issue I agree, you have the right to smoke until it <br /> infringes on my right to breath clean air." "But, I am realistic about it, which is reflected <br /> in our current regulations." "I am realistic to know that people go to bars to drink, <br /> smoke and have a good time." "There is nothing that I can do or this Board can to do <br /> change that." "I am realistic that in a restaurant some people are going to smoke and we <br /> are not going to change America's habits overnight." "In my opinion, there is an <br /> extraordinary amount of public pressure on this issue." "A lot of agencies are bowing to <br /> that pressure and saying it should go to the voters." "If it is an health issue, it's an health <br /> issue, let's not fluff it out on the voters because we don't want to take the responsibility <br /> for making the decision." "The opinions are that the onus for trying to push a smoke-free <br /> restaurant and work place is that while people have a choice whether or not to enter the <br /> restaurant may times parents make the choice for the children and they have no say in that <br /> decision." "Why should they be subjected to poisonous gases." "What about the <br /> employees." "Jobs are hard to get sometimes you just have to take what's available." <br /> "Then because of their economic situation there're forced to do this?" "Some times you <br /> just have to take what's available and then because of their situation they're forced to <br /> endure this?" "I don't think there should be a complete ban because it infringes on <br /> tradition, a bad tradition but nevertheless it's something that is ingrained in American <br />