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MINUTES February 9, 1995 5 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> 6.) Otis Health Study final draft. report - Mr. McQuaid stated, "I reviewed the report <br /> and in my opinion this report does not show statistically significant differences between <br /> the levels of symptoms and illnesses reported by the upper cape communities compared to <br /> the comparison community of Brewster." "In certain instances certain types of illnesses or <br /> symptoms are higher in Brewster than in Briar-wood or Forestdate." "You have to take <br /> into consideration the fact that for example, if you're living in Brewster and volunteers <br /> from the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta ask if you would volunteer, their response <br /> to the questionnaires are going to be significantly different then if you're living in <br /> Briarwood and you've read the papers and you know there is a potential adverse health <br /> affect in living there, your response is going to be significantly different." <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "There is approximately $22,000.00 left in a kitty at the Water <br /> District from that project." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "There are four homes in Briarwood and nine homes in the <br /> Horseshoebend-Tritown area that are not hooked into town water." "The $22,000.00 <br /> would be more then enough to tie those homes in." <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "I have researched this matter before." "They don't want to talk <br /> about it." "Their just hiding it." "Maybe the Selectmen should research the matter." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "Before we go to the town meeting for funds I would <br /> recommend we resolve this issue on that account." <br /> Board members agreed_ <br /> 7.) Emerp <br /> gencyfailure certification 21 Popponesset Island Road - Mr. Evans relayed, <br /> "The family is not living in the house." <br /> Board members forwarded their signatures to the "Emergency Repair <br /> Certification" form. <br /> *****OLD BUSINESS***** <br /> Oceana Muscular Theraav - Mr. Doherty relayed, "Last week I contacted the American <br /> Massage Therapy Association." "I spoke with Cheryl who relayed that $235.00 is paid to <br /> the national organization which includes their liability coverage." "The $30.00 is also paid <br /> to the national organization but then it comes back to the State chapter from the national <br /> organization." "None of that is paid to the commonwealth." "There are no registration <br />