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02/16/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
02/16/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES February 16, 1995 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> At this time Mr. Doherty rejoined the meeting. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Cape& Islands Engineering- 26 Shorewood Drive <br /> Mr. John Slavinsky, P.E. and Mr. Pat Riley, lot owner of abutting lot #2063, were <br /> in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Slavinsky relayed, "In 1988 a State sideline variance and local variance was <br /> granted by this Board." "The variance relief has since expired." "Mr. Riley is proposing <br /> to purchase lot #2062 however, local variances from the proposed on-site leaching facility <br /> to abutting well, (lot 2063), and proposed on-site well to abutting leaching facility, (lot <br /> #2063), are necessitated, as well as, a State sideline variance." <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "If the owner of lot #2063 is proposing to purchase lot <br /> #2062 I would recommend he tie both lots in thereby eliminating variance relief." <br /> Mr. Slavinsky stated, "A leaching facility cannot be placed on that lot without <br /> variance relief." <br /> Mr. Riley stated, "I have invested money in my well (lot #2063) which is working <br /> fine and do not wish to tie into town water." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "This is an opportunity to tie both lots into town water and <br /> eliminate the variance relief." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "This Board does not consider sideline variances a major <br /> obstacle." "Sideline variances are almost routinely granted, particularly when it allows the <br /> lot to be developed when otherwise it would not be." "The purpose of granting variances <br /> is to provide relief when no other relief is available." "Obviously, other relief is available <br /> in the form of tying both lots into town water." `By the granting the variance the Board is <br /> not taking a responsible position and I would be inclined not to grant the variance <br /> knowing that town water is available." "If the two lots were going to be joined that would <br /> be a different story." "If Mr. Riley decided to move into the new house and sell his old <br /> house then we missed the prime opportunity to have the house tied into town water." <br /> Mr. Ball questioned, "What if another individual wished to purchase the lot?" <br /> Mr. Doherty responded, "That is the problem." "We are looking at Mr. Riley as a <br /> developer." <br />
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