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03/09/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
03/09/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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N ' <br /> I <br /> MINUTES March 9, 1995 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. McQuaid questioned whether the proposal conforms to the master plan. <br /> Mr. Cauley responded, "Yes." <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to grant the 30' local variance as requested with the <br /> stipulation the owner sign the affidavit which agrees to tie into public water once <br /> available, Mr. Cram seconded, all agreed. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Mobil Station - Douglas Murphy <br /> Mr. Dave Allbright with Eastern Consulting is present this evening representing <br /> Mobil and the proposed face-lift of the existing Exxon Station at the Rotary. <br /> Mr. Allbright stated, "I am here to address the Board's concerns regarding the <br /> tanks, bay drains, septic and water issues." "The scope of the project is a fac-lift of the <br /> existing building." "Basically, it is a two bay service station of which the bays will be <br /> blocked up and windows installed." "There is a b' expansion for sanitary facilities." "The <br /> canopy has been approved." "Additionally, new landscaping, a widened driveway and <br /> island extension are proposed." <br /> Mr. Ball questioned, "Where will the run-off go?" <br /> Mr. Allbright responded, "I am unsure." "The new tank-mat will have a gasoline <br /> containment groove around the outside." "I will research that information for you." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "I would recommend the two drains go into a M.D.C. drain <br /> with absorbent pads." <br /> Discussion took place regarding previous ground and groundwater contamination. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "Back on 1992 when they complied with the State <br /> requirement of closing off bay drains I went out there with our plumbing inspector." "At <br /> that time the two bays were leading out to a standard pit behind the building." "They had <br /> since then piped the bay drains into an above ground containment system however, when <br /> inspecting the closure of the bays we uncovered the top of the pit and it was still 3/4 fuIl <br /> of oil." "I notified D.E.P. that we have a potential problem in that there is definite ground <br /> contamination if not groundwater contamination." "D.E.P. got involved and had Exxon <br /> hire a licensed site professional who in turn hired DeCo to perform the remediation work." <br /> "They excavated a certain amount of cubic yards of soil." "D.E.P. required them <br />
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