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MINUTES March 30, 1995 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. McQuaid responded, "No." "I requested the secretary contact PK <br /> Contracting to see whether they could match the $20.00/ton." "Mr. Wilson from PK <br /> Contracting is on vacation." "I would recommend we continue this matter until Mr. <br /> Wilson returns from his vacation." <br /> Board members agreed. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Robert Dennis - 31 Park Road <br /> Mr, Russell Wheatley, P.E. was in attendance representing Mr. Robert Dennis. <br /> Mr. Evans relayed, "This system hasn't been in failure for a couple of years." "The <br /> house in only occupied approximately 6 weekends during the summer." "In reality, it is <br /> not really an emergency as it is vacant." "There are very small lots in that area and are <br /> basically summer cottages." <br /> Mr. Wheatley stated, "When we redesigned the system we maintained the same <br /> distances from all wells that the existing system maintained." <br /> Mr. Evans commented, "Town water will become available in a reasonably short <br /> time." "I would recommend if any approval is given the owner sign the affidavit which <br /> agrees to tie into town water." <br /> Mr. Wheatley stated, "The pipe was installed along Pimlico Pond Road last fall." <br /> "The Water District said water would be installed in late 1995 early 1996 at the latest." <br /> "There was failure last summer during one or two occasions." "At the present time there <br /> is a cesspool of unknown size without a tank." "It has been there for a long time and <br /> represents an upgrading." "It is 149' from the pond to the street line." <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "All the abutters were notified by certified mail." "This is a <br /> proposed upgrade and there is no proposed increase in habitable space." "Mr. Dennis did <br /> sign the affidavit which agrees to no increase in habitable space." <br /> Mr. Doherty voiced his concern with the proposed distance to the wetlands. <br /> "There is a functioning cesspool not in failure." "Where I can completely recognize the <br /> merits of upgrading the system that's not where I am having the problem." "There may be <br /> repercussions from the legal system." "If it were a failure I would not hesitate." "We do <br /> have authority to grant variances under failed conditions but where it is voluntary I am <br /> concerned." <br />