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04/06/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
04/06/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES April 6, 1995 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, "The services that the V.N.A. provides to town of <br /> Mashpee and Board of Health is incomparable, I don't know what we would do without <br /> them." "Communities no longer have town doctor's." "They are a resource we rely on <br /> tremendously." "They have no requested an increase in their contractual agreement with <br /> the town in four years." "They provide more and more services without requesting <br /> additional funds." <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "With all the number of health services contracts we <br /> oversee the V.N.A. is without a doubt the most valuable." <br /> Ms. Roma informed Board members of the Family Quest program available <br /> through a small cities grant from the State. r <br /> Ms. Barkley informed Board members of the social work she in involved with in <br /> the parenting group." <br /> Mr. Ball questioned how residents are informed of the services. <br /> Ms. Barkley responded, "We developed a brochure and left them everywhere." <br /> "Ms. Roma also walked the district." "We had twenty-seven families which we feel is <br /> quite a response." "We did inform the new media however there was never a specific <br /> article done on it." <br /> APPOINTMENT: Arlene Wolk - Mosquito Control <br /> Ms. Wolk was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Ms. Wolk stated, "I have been a resident of this town for 30 years." "My husband <br /> and I bought some land adjacent to a bog." "For twenty years we have had cranberries." <br /> "After the cranberries were gone we mowed this bog." "We have a neighbor who is <br /> objecting to the mowing." "They have retained consultants and lawyers." "My concern is <br /> for mosquitoes." "Every year I have called the Barnstable County Mosquito Control <br /> people to treat the canals." "If the bog grows up they won't be able to get to the canals." <br /> "A couple of years ago my son and his children were standing on the patio and they were <br /> bitten up." "The children were just blown up." "That was the year that our abutter <br /> refused to allow us to mow the bog." "Finally, the Conservation Commission said that we <br /> could mow it." "There are cases of encephalitis on the Cape." "I worked at Mass. <br /> General Immunology Department for five years so I am familiar what comes into that <br /> hospital." "I am also familiar with ticks." "My neighbor across the street was bitten by a <br />
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