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MINUTES April 6, 1995 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> tick and is going blind." "Because of her illness, a few years ago the Fells Pond Assn. <br /> voted unanimously to continue to have this bog mowed." "For some reason our abutter, <br /> who had dumped sand on their beach and was caught, is now very furious with everybody <br /> in the neighborhood and trying to get back at us." "It's very sad because my children who <br /> come down from other states come up to spend the summer they are inundated with ticks <br /> and mosquito's." "If the bog is not mowed we will not be able to live here anymore." "I <br /> am asking the Board to help me." "The Fire Department came down and deemed it a fire <br /> hazard and agreed to write a letter." "I am asking this Board to also write a letter." <br /> Mr. Ball responded, "I did contact the Cape Cod Mosquito Control and asked <br /> them specific questions about this problem." "Margaret,from the Control District <br /> requested I inform you that she, her supervisor and the entomologist will go on-site to <br /> determine a mosquito control plan for the area." "I think that would be the best avenue <br /> for you to go right now and in my opinion, you should do that as soon as possible because <br /> the larvae siting is starting now." "No one can go in there to perform any work except the <br /> County Mosquito Control." "We can't touch it within 100' due to the wetlands act." "I <br /> would suggest we go that route." "If you are unhappy you can come back to the Board <br /> and we will discuss the matter further at that time." "I also questioned whether there were <br /> ever any cases of encephalitis on the Cape and they said there has never been one case on <br /> Cape." "Also, there are salt marsh mosquito's that travel up to ten miles." "You might <br /> not only be getting local mosquito's but salt marsh mosquito's also." <br /> APPOINTMENT: Demaris Kooker- Smoking Regulation <br /> Ms. Kooker and Mr. Dino Mitrokostas were in attendance for this scheduled <br /> appointment. <br /> Ms. Kooker stated, "My personnel experiences as I was a smoker, I gradually <br /> quite and have since developed a serious asthmatic problem." "I cannot go into a <br /> restaurant where there is any smoke even if there are walls or fans that help dispel the <br /> smoke." "I have lost family an friends to cancer because they smoked." "Bartenders are <br /> four to six time more likely to develop lung cancer." "The mortality for waitresses is four <br /> times the general population for lung cancer." "People who work in this environment <br /> inhale smoke as if they were smoking 1 112 packs of cigarettes per day." "Down the line <br /> establishments, where is smoking is allowed, could be economically unwise because there <br /> are now cases being brought to these establishments." "Most importantly, as a fifth grade <br /> teacher, that children are being enticed now because the tobacco company is very much <br /> going for our children." "90% of life long smokers started before they were nineteen and <br /> 50% of that number started smoking before they were fifteen." "For people who do drugs <br />