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04/20/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
04/20/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES April 20, 1995 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> 4.) Response from CCRTCP re: Smoking Regulation - Mr. Doherty stated, "I spoke <br /> with Holly O'Brien regarding this incident." "She did speak with the staff members and <br /> others who were present." "Everyone seemed to have their own version of what <br /> happened." "I don't think it needs any more action on our part other then to say that I <br /> think perhaps we view this organization improperly, myself included." "We were one of a <br /> number of participants that had applied for a grant that provided the funds to create the <br /> committee." "I believe it was supposed to be an extension of the Boards of Health." <br /> "Whether it has become that I don't know." "There have been some incidents that have <br /> occurred that question that." "I feel there are some other towns that feel the same way." <br /> "The matter needs to be remedied." "It's not fair to the taxpayer's who are spending all <br /> this money to pay these people." "If we're supposed to holding their leash and we let it <br /> go they will do whatever they want." "We need to pick up the leash and bring them back <br /> in line." <br /> Mr. Cram commented, "The majority of the funding for this organization is coming <br /> from the existing "Smokers" as far as the tax they are paying for the privilege of what they <br /> decide they want to do at this point." "My major concern on this is that there are <br /> numerous articles in substance that is coming out from this organization that to my <br /> knowledge we have no foresight or knowledge ahead of time and we are being shown as <br /> the ones who are sponsoring this." <br /> Mr. Doherty questioned Mr. Cram as to whether it was the article in the <br /> newspaper he was referring to. <br /> Mr. Cram responded, "That is one of them." <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "You had to read the fine print." "It did say that the ad <br /> was placed in there by the CCRTCP, Boards of Health collaborative and it listed all the <br /> Boards." "The CCRTCP is an organization that is, in fact, a collaboration of the Cape <br /> Boards of Health." "If that's the case then we should have more say on what's going on <br /> and know about these things beforehand." "That's not the first time, there have been <br /> other times when they have come into town to talk to the DARE officer." "We should <br /> know about it." <br /> Mr. Cram commented, "If we are to be listed as sponsors to this then our <br /> taxpayer's are seeing this and assuming we agree with this." "There is a line of <br /> communication that we are missing somewhere." <br />
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