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MINUTES April 20, 1995 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "Whether or not we sponsor it is not an issue because <br /> we did." "The Board signed the grant application however, we are not controlling it right <br /> now." "It seems as though the stafFthere is doing what they want to do rather then taking <br /> direction from the Board of Health representatives." <br /> i <br /> Mr. Evans commented, "I know for a fact that one or two representatives from <br /> other towns have spoken up during the meeting and said that certain regulations will not <br /> work in their town and they will not support it." <br /> I <br /> jMr. McQuaid relayed, "Somehow, I think that this grant organization needs to be <br /> aware of the fact that certain towns including Mashpee don't appreciate the way their <br /> going about the promotion of their program." r <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "I would like to draft a letter to Holly O'Brien." <br /> Mr. Cram commented, "I my opinion, we as a sponsoring Board should not have <br /> to read about this in the newspaper to find out what were doing as an after fact sort of <br /> thing." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "If they had to get approval for everything they did from every <br /> Board of Health, approximately 15, it would take months before any action could be <br /> taken." "I think that the representative should have a stronger voice in what is and what is <br /> not done but that he inform the Board so they know." <br /> Mr. Cram relayed, "I think the committee should send a memorandum out to the <br /> collaborating towns and solicit our comments." <br /> Mr. Evans stated, "Speaking out against them is like speaking out against <br /> motherhood and apple pie." "Your not even given an opportunity to vote against their <br /> suggestions." <br /> Mr. Doherty agreed to draft a letter for the Board's review. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Jane Coogan - Homestead Concept <br /> Ms. Coogan was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> i <br /> Mr. Coogan stated, "There is everything in place here to attract and target a large <br /> tourist population to come." "I had two ideas in the targeting population." "One being <br /> i <br />