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MINUTES April 27, 1995 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. McQuaid questioned Mr. Shepley as to whether she has looked into anyone <br /> donating a building to house the project. <br /> Ms. Shepley responded, "No." "Perhaps the children could get involved in the <br /> construction of the building." <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "The liability issue is something that could be handled." <br /> "In my opinion this is a good idea." <br /> Mr. Frederick stated, "Between the Youth Commission and the people from the <br /> Youth Center we could get some adult supervision." "I have not see anything in writing <br /> but I would be interested in getting this thing off the ground." <br /> i <br /> I <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Our recycling center, transfer station and landfill is <br /> contracted out to a private contractor." "We would somehow have to legally absolve him <br /> of any liability as this would be a town project." <br /> Mr. Frederick commented, "We could request Town Counsel's opinion on the <br /> matter." <br /> Mr. Ball commented, "The Selectmen and this Board have been looking into <br /> buildings but there are none available yet." <br /> Mr. Evans suggested, "Once the temporary classrooms are detached from this <br /> building maybe they could be utilized." <br /> Mr. Ball commented, "Maybe Mr. Frederick could speak with the Executive <br /> Secretary on the matter." "Ms. Shepley could submit a proposal for the Board to review <br /> Ms. Shepley agreed. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Delsie Myatt - Swap-Shop - Transfer Station <br /> Ms. Delsie Myatt was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Ms. Myatt questioned the Board as to whether there is a possibility of operating a <br /> swap-shop at the landfill similar to the one in Sandwich. <br />