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MINUTES May 4, 1995 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> "If it's that close perhaps the Board should consider installing a monitoring well and <br /> monitoring the groundwater flux over one full high tide." "We don't know at what time <br /> of day the pert was done or what time of day groundwater was observed and yet it was <br /> designed with no leeway whatsoever." <br /> Mr. Doherty questioned Mr. Grotske, "Given 12" of cover is there any reason you <br /> don't bump the system up a little bit." <br /> Mr. Grotske stated, "Then the system would be in fill." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "But you're not using the sidewall for your calculations so <br /> long as the bottom is in good material that is all you tely on." <br /> Mr. Grotske agreed. <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to grant the installation of a pump system pending the <br /> redesign to allow for an additional 4" vertical distance between groundwater and <br /> verification there are no wells within 150' of the proposed leaching facility, Mr. Cram <br /> seconded, all agreed. <br /> APPOINTMENT: John Slavinsky - 91 Edgewater Road and 26 Shorewood Drive <br /> Mr. Slavisky is unable to attend the meeting. <br /> 91 Edgewater Drive <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Revised plans were submitted." "Due to the topography <br /> and break-out calculations the system must be placed 20' below grade." "I spoke with the <br /> County, D.E.P. and a few manufacturer's of pits." "In almost all but one case they <br /> indicated that the weight of 20' of earth above this pit even with a H2O load could not <br /> withstand the weight." "I believe the engineer agreed to stack the system." "I would <br /> recommend the Board continue the matter pending the engineer's attendance at an <br /> upcoming meeting." <br /> Board members agreed. <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to continue this matter pending the engineer's attendance at <br /> an upcoming meeting, Mr. Cram seconded, all agreed. <br />