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MINUTES May 4, 1995 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Ms. Gorski responded, "Yes." "At the Wellfleet flea market we left our stuff <br /> there." "We only pick up what we can the sell the same day." <br /> Mr. Cram reiterated to Ms. Gorski, "Do you have any type of refrigeration for <br /> some of the produce you are selling." <br /> Ms. Gorski responded, "Two refrigerators at home, our truck is air conditioned <br /> however, we do try and only buy what we can sell." `.'We plan to sell, bananas, grapes, <br /> apples, oranges, potatoes, onions, garlic, lemons." "We will only carry one or two boxes <br /> of fruit." "If we have any produce left we will refrigerate it at our home." <br /> Mr. Evans informed Mr. Gorski, "You must be located close to handwashing <br /> facilities." t <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to approve a farm stand license to Ms. Eurica Gorski dlb/a <br /> "Eurica's Produce" pending receipt of the food service application and compliance with <br /> the health agents requirements, Mr. Cram seconded, all agreed. <br /> APPOINTMENT - Michael Grotske - 12 Squaws Lane <br /> Mr. Grotske was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> i <br /> Mr. Grotske stated, "The lot is located in a high groundwater area." "We are <br /> right at the margin of having the 4' to groundwater therefore, I designed the system which <br /> I thought would meet the intent of Title V." "I am raising the grade around the house to <br /> create the necessary cover." "Because of the existing house and system I felt it <br /> appropriate to install a pump chamber out of the d-box to bring the effluent up to the <br /> appropriate level." "I felt these are the best test soils based on the three test pits that we <br /> did." "Town water will be supplied to the dwelling." "The proposed dwelling will have <br /> four bedrooms." <br /> Mr. McQuaid questioned Mr. Grotske whether all abutters are tied into town <br /> water. <br /> Mr. Grotske responded, "'I am unsure." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "I have no problems with the concept as long as there are no <br /> active wells within 100' of the proposed leaching facility." "There is no watertable <br /> adjustment due to its close proximity to the ocean." "If you review the plans there isn't <br /> even 1/I00th of a foot leeway even with a pump chamber to maintain that 4' separation." <br />