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05/11/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
05/11/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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s <br /> MINUTES May 11, 1995 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> i <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "This dates back to September of 1993 when Mr. Warner's <br /> cottage burned down." "They had, prior to 1993, installed a new septic system which <br /> meets Title V regulations." "Our concern, at the time after the house burned down, was <br /> whether or not there was going to be any increase in living space." "The Board at the <br /> time required that there would be no increase in living space and that the existing cottage <br /> on the lot not be connected to the Title V septic system." "The tank and d-box had to be <br /> moved but our emphasis was on no increase in living space." "We since then have <br /> received several comments from abutters indicating their concern about increasing living <br /> space specifically, the second floor above the garage and the actual location of the <br /> leaching field versus the property line." "They went to the Board of Appeals." "The <br /> Board of Appeals also indicated that they would go along with reconstruction as long as <br /> there is no increase in square footage." "It has been in a turmoil over the past several <br /> years and we sent Mr. Warner certified mail asking him to appear before the Board <br /> approximately one month ago which he did not do." "Recently, a builder came in to meet <br /> before the Board and answer any questions you may have." <br /> Mr. Miller stated, "I am here to address the questions of the abutters." "If you <br /> note on the plans it is indicated the smaller cottage will be disconnected from the existing <br /> septic system." "Mr. Warner has met with both neighbors who commented to the Board <br /> and that was their major concern." "They were unaware of the notation on the plan which <br /> he pointed out to them which addressed most of their concerns." "That is an existing <br /> leaching system." "We are proposing to relocate the tank." "There is no increase in living <br /> area." "There is one revision on the plan, that being the total of the existing lot coverage <br /> to 1.5." <br /> Mr. Ball questioned Mr. Miller, "Will someone be living in the cottage?" <br /> Mr. Miller responded, "Mr. Warner was asked to disconnect the cottage because <br /> his neighbor's had wells." "Because he had a problem he had to install an emergency <br /> system which was to close to the existing well." "At some point in the future, if his <br /> neighbors tie into town water, then he will request permission to reconnect the cottage." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "One of the calls from an abutter questioned why Mr. <br /> Warner needed a second floor above the garage and should that not be considered living <br /> space." <br /> Mr. Miller responded, "There is no full basement here." `Because of the water <br /> table and Conservation Commission requirements we can't put a full basement there so <br /> that was strictly for storage." <br />
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