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MINUTES May 11, 1995 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, "It could be avoided by having Mr. Warner pay to have <br /> the abutter tie into town water." <br /> Mr. Ball recommended holding a Title V hearing. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "According to the past Title V and the current Title V, if you <br /> can't get 100' from active wells to your leaching facility you cannot increase the square <br /> footage of your living space." "If there was no access from within the existing dwelling to <br /> the storage space other then through a pull down ladder in the garage then I would <br /> consider that." <br /> Mr. Ball questioned, "What did Mr. Warner propose for the second Poor <br /> entrance." <br /> Mr. Miller responded, "A pull down stairway." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "I would recommend the Board approve the request with the <br /> stipulation the Building Inspector and I review and approve architectural plans." <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to approve revised plans with the stipulation the Building <br /> Inspector and Mr. McQuaid review and approve architectural plans, Mr. Cram seconded, <br /> all agreed. <br /> 2.) Mr. Cram motioned to accept the minutes of May 4, 1995, Mr. Ball seconded, all <br /> agreed. <br /> 3.) D.P.W. Invoice - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "The D.P.W. brought over to the landfill <br /> a considerable amount of asphalt, concrete and demolition." "Mr. DiMaggio has charged <br /> a fee of $240.00 to dispose of the materials." "I am unsure as to where the demolition <br /> came from." "Mr. DiMaggio informed me the demolition could not be landfilled which I <br /> agree." "The D.P.W. should have taken it to RA. Landers or Tilcon initially." "I was <br /> unable to reach the D.P.W. Supt. to question him about the demolition's origin." "I <br /> would recommend we continue this matter until I am able to find out where the material <br /> came from." <br /> Board members agreed. <br /> 4.) Community Vision Workshop invitation - Acknowledged. <br /> 5.} Draft Discharge Permit Mash pee Jr./Sr. Hip <br /> gh School - Acknowledged. <br />