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05/18/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
05/18/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES May 18, 1995 6 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "According to the plans, and we have reviewed them more <br /> then once and I believe the Conservation Commission has reviewed them, I don't see that <br /> to be a concern." "The wall is on his property." "If he wants to put it up, we've approved <br /> it." "As far as water run-off goes, given that the grade will not be altered except for in the <br /> area of the retaining wall, in which case the retaining wall provides a physical barrier to <br /> run-off, your not going to get run-off from that area." "Whether or not the owner will <br /> put that in writing that is up to him." "The engineer has stamped and signed the plans <br /> stating the system will be constructed as designed which is what we require from him." <br /> "At no time will he be allowed to encroach on your property." "I really don't see that <br /> there is any grounds for this Board to change its' mind." "I see this as a positive <br /> improvement without any negatives other than the fact that the area will be disturbed <br /> during construction." <br /> Mr. Duffy stated, "I think it is terribly unfair that the Board of Health did not <br /> notify us that there was going to be construction within I' of our property line." "I think <br /> at least we should have been given the courtesy of being notified." "We could have <br /> discussed all this then rather then having to stop this guys construction in mid-stream." <br /> "The footings are right on the line." <br /> Mr. Ball questioned Mr. Duffy, "Were you notified when they went in front of the <br /> I <br /> Conservation Commission?" <br /> i <br /> Mr. Duffy responded, "Yes." <br /> Ms. Duffy stated, "I knew there was going to be something done I wasn't told <br /> exactly what was to be done." "That was the first notification I got." "I didn't receive <br /> anything from the Board of Health that they were going to swing it down around the side <br /> of the house." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "The system is not within 1' of the property line, only the <br /> retaining wall," <br /> i <br /> Mr. Duffy stated, "If you're going to start doing them you should at least let the <br /> abutter know." <br /> Mr. McQuaid informed Ms. Duffy, "Had you attended the Conservation <br /> Commission hearing-you would have been able to review the plans and see exactly what <br /> was being proposed." <br />
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