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MINUTES May 25, 1995 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> need to upgrade the system that doesn't make the house uninhabitable." "Either of those <br /> two scenario's doesn't fall under the betterment process." "We haven't adopted it and <br /> even if we wanted to come to some kind of an agreement with you it is all subject to <br /> appropriation at town meeting." "None of these things have taken place." "We haven't <br /> proposed to adopt it, we have no funding and I don't see that your situation would be <br /> eligible for a betterment." <br /> Mr. Effron stated, "I did send the paper work to Ms. Shaw." "According to the <br /> State they are of the opinion I fell under the program." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "We have a memo from Town Counsel which reinforces it <br /> saying the betterment statute procedure can only be used if the dwelling is unfit for human <br /> habitation pursuant to general law Chapter 111, section 127B solely due to an inadequate <br /> septic system." <br /> Mr_ Effron questioned whether the town is in a position to appropriate funds. <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "The town can request to appropriate funds through the <br /> October Town Meeting." <br /> Mr. Effron stated, "I'll find funding on my own." "You had mentioned that you <br /> would give me three years from the date of approval to install the system." "I would like <br /> that in writing." <br /> Board members agreed to the request. <br /> Mr. McQuaid informed Mr. Effron he will forward the letter as requested. <br /> APPOINTMENT: John Slavinsky - 15 Metacomet Road <br /> Mr. Slavinsky was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Slavinsky stated, "Mr. Evans an I performed a perk test on the site." "Mr. <br /> Evans declared the soils that were 4' above groundwater level unsuitable." "I am <br /> considering a proposal to include a Clivus Multrum system however, I am unsure as to <br /> how to get rid of the gray water." <br /> Mr. McQuaid recommended reperking the lot and adjusting the groundwater. <br /> Mr. Slavinsk--y agreed. <br />