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05/25/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
05/25/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES May 25, 1995 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> will go back to the 125th Committee to offset the cost of holding the celebration." "Most <br /> of the food will be donated by the Steamship Authority." "There will be a pancake <br /> breakfast at the school and a clambake on Sunday afternoon." <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "As with the Pow-Wow each individual food vendor should <br /> submit an application." "Normally, Mr. Evans and I go through the menu items that each <br /> vendor will be serving." "We hold a training session as far as proper food handling." "As <br /> of yet we have only receive one application for the celebration." "I am concerned with the <br /> clambake." <br /> i <br /> Mr. Frederick stated, "I will inform Ms. Lopez to contact the health agents." <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to waive the temporary food stand fees for the Mashpee 125th <br /> Anniversary pending inspection by a health agent, Mr. Ball seconded, all agreed. . <br /> Mr. McQuaid informed Mr. Frederick, "The upcoming event "A Taste of <br /> Mashpee" I have tremendous concerns about." "I need to know what items will be <br /> offered by which restaurants, whether there are potentially hazardous foods and if so, how <br /> are they going to maintain temperature control." <br /> Mr. Doherty recommended Mr. Frederick submit a list of those restaurants <br /> participating. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Mark Effron - Betterment, 358 Monomoscoy Road <br /> Mr. Effron was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Mr. Effron would like to utilize the betterment bill passed <br /> by the legislative which is available to homeowners to either upgrade septic systems, <br /> remove underground storage tanks or lead paint removal." <br /> Mr. Effron stated, "I am not voluntarily upgrading my system I am expanding the <br /> square footage of my home." "In order to that I have to upgrade to Title V." "They <br /> won't issue me a building permit until I do that." <br /> Mr. Doherty relayed, "I did research the matter and spoke with Town Counsel." <br /> "Unless you omitted something this doesn't apply to you." "Very specifically, the <br /> betterment is subject only to property owners whose properties are and may be the subject <br /> of proceedings under Chapter lll, section 126B." "That means that if your house <br /> becomes unfit for human habitation due to a failing septic system then it would fall under <br /> the provisions of the betterment process." "If you are still living in the house, which is <br /> not the case, if your expanding because you want more room and in order to do that you <br />
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