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06/08/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
06/08/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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I <br /> MINUTES June 8, 1995 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> 6.) Annual Contract with Thorne Clinic - Board members forwarded their signatures <br /> to the contractual agreement for the upcoming fiscal year. <br /> APPOINTMENT (unscheduled) - Charles Starr and Coleen Coffey <br /> Ms. Coffey and Mr. Starr were in attendance for discussion. <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Ms. Coffey and Mr. Starr live at 409 Asher's Path." <br /> "They voluntarily connected to town water." "In September of 1994 they requested the <br /> Board's consideration to be included in the reimbursement process for public water hook- <br /> up." "The town appropriated $11,000.00 at town meeting to hook the eight outstanding <br /> homes that were not connected to town water to be connected at the town's expense." "It <br /> was our position then that we couldn't fund that reimbursement." "Their only means of <br /> reimbursement was through a town meeting article that would have to be proposed by <br /> petition to the Selectmen." "That has not been done." "There has been no movement to <br /> do that on behalf of the other homeowner's in that subdivision." "Mr. Starr is here this <br /> evening to question that." <br /> Mr. Starr stated, "I paid $650.00 to the Water District to tie in." "I am 30' from <br /> the landfill." <br /> Mr. Doherty relayed, "The F.H.A. was well aware the house would be required to <br /> be hooked-in to town water." "It was their responsibility to tie that house into town <br /> water." "From our perspective the house was unoccupied and condemned and therefore <br /> had no effect on the status of the landfill." "The Board at the time was looking at <br /> situation where the D.E.P.. was saying because you have eight houses within a specific <br /> proximity of the landfill that are drawing off of groundwater wells we are going to <br /> designate your landfill a significant threat." "That classification had some consequences <br /> that went along with it." "It would have accelerated the time frame in which we were <br /> required to cap the landfill." "The town was not in a position financially to cap the landfill <br /> prior to the scheduled date." "The alternative we had was to either spend 1.6 million <br /> dollars to cap the landfill or go to town meeting to see if we could get enough money to <br /> tie these eight houses into town water." "We were able to negotiate terms with the D.E.P. <br /> to reclassify the landfill and get back on schedule." "That money was allocated for eight <br /> specific homes." "Your home was not required to be hooked in because it was vacant and <br /> condemned." "There was no occupancy permit." <br /> Mr. Starr questioned, "How come you just did my neighbor a month ago." <br />
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