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06/22/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
06/22/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES June 22, 1995 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, "This is an executive summary of the report." "We <br /> have been out of the loop." "Mr. Taylor and Mr_ Greelish are on the Committee." <br /> Mr. Doherty directed the Agent to forward a letter to the Executive Secretary <br /> regarding our concerns in regards to the economic feasibility based on what if any <br /> projected flows, the availability in the local marketplace with other treatment plants i.e. <br /> Tri-Town and Barnstable, that are currently handling that and if you build more capacity <br /> than the market can fulfill then everybody is going to experience diminished volumes <br /> which leads to higher prices." <br /> Board members agreed. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Cape& Islands Eng. - Proposed Plugge Subdivision <br /> Mr. David Sanicki, P.E. was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Sanicki stated, "The subdivision was originally approved for seven lots with <br /> open space at the other side of the power line." "This property was resold and another <br /> party bought it." "This is a recorded roadway on the deed." "The only way to rescind the <br /> seven lot subdivision is to file another definitive plan which shows no road_" "The new <br /> definitive plan replaces seven lots to two lots and a 12 acre third lot." "There is ample <br /> room for teaching facilities." "I will provide well and septic layouts at a later date." <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Based on the fact that we are going from seven buildable <br /> lots down to three I would recommend the Board approve this subdivision and we will <br /> consider the well and septic layouts when the plans come before us." <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to approve the definitive plans as submitted, Mr. Ball <br /> seconded, all agreed. <br /> 372_ Monomoscoy Road - Mr. Evans relayed, "I inspected the site and found both <br /> cesspools filled, overflowing and running onto the bank of Great River." "This was a case <br /> where several lots owner by the same person were all tied together on the same septic <br /> system." "Subsequently, they were sold individually." "A perk was performed on the lot <br /> today." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "There is a 10' way in the middle of the two lots." "The <br /> town, is making a eminent domain taking through the Water District to substantiate the <br /> water district's service main that runs in the 10' way which extends through the marsh to <br />
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