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MINUTES June 29, 1995 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> I <br /> abutting and the on-site wells I would recommend the leach pit be replaced in its exact <br /> location so as to not diminish setbacks from wells." <br /> 7.) Resubmittal 160 Waterway - Mr. McQuaid stated, "This plan came before the <br /> Board last week at which time there was some concern about the pump chamber and d- <br /> box." "It was Mr. Evans suggestion that the d-box be enlarged to handle the pumping <br /> surge." "In discussing this with the engineer the pump was set for 82 gallons per <br /> discharge cycle." "The 82 gallons will take between 2 and 3 minutes to actually pump and <br /> then it goes into a standard size d-box but from the d-box it goes into two 4" p.v.c. pipes <br /> going out to two trenches." "l am assured by the engineer that there will not be an <br /> overcharge on the d-box because the of the two outlets and the slow rate of pumping." <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to reconsider the Board'3 vote of June 29, 1995, Mr. Cram <br /> seconded, all agreed. <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to grant a 6' State sideline variance, Mr. Cram seconded, all <br /> agreed. <br /> *****NEW BUSII�TESS***** <br /> Chemical Spill Augat's <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "Augat's had a chemical spill last week." "An employee was <br /> splashed with bathroom cleaning detergent." <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Augat's did submit their emergency spill response plan as <br /> well as Mobil Oil." <br /> Acknowledged. <br /> APPOINTMENT- Cenzalli/Pereira- Mobile Shellfish Permit <br /> Mr. Evans relayed, "An individual came in to obtain approval to sell shellfish from <br /> the back of his truck." "We have not allowed this in the past." "The individual did <br /> request to meet with the Board to discuss the matter however, he is not in attendance this <br /> evening." "Falmouth does permit this type of business." "In speaking with Shaun O'Brien <br /> at the County he said to make sure that they have exactly the scope of their business." <br /> "They recommend we use the same regulations we do for push carts which means they <br /> must have a toilet and handwashing facilities conveniently available and permission from <br /> f <br /> the property owner where their selling to stay at that location." <br />