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MINUITES August 3, 1995 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> must bear in mind that if we relocate the well the town will still have to have under <br /> contract a licensed water operator to do the periodic monitoring which is considerable <br /> expense wise annually." "I'm working on the costs for the well and the private monitoring <br /> that is required." "My feeling is to push to put town water in." <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "I agree with Mr. McQuaid's recommendations for town water." <br /> Mr. Doherty recommended Mr. McQuaid prepare a cost analysis. <br /> Mr. Cram questioned, "Would the Water District consider footing part of the bill <br /> for the pipe installation?" <br /> Mr_ Doherty commented, "Why would they tap into their own funds to help us? "I <br /> would recommend the Board forward its recommendation for town water to the <br /> Selectmen along with a rough cost analysis." <br /> Mr. McQuaid informed Board members he will prepare the cost analysis for next <br /> week's meeting. <br /> B. Clivus Multrim system <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "I would recommend the Board adopt a regulation <br /> regarding alternative technology systems." <br /> Discussion took place regarding required distances and discharge amounts. <br /> i <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "I will prepare a draft regulation for next week's meeting." <br /> APPOINTMENT: Cape & Islands - 105 Waterline Drive <br /> Mr. John Slavinsky, P.E. was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Slavinsky relayed, "This is a situation where we can maintain 4' above <br /> groundwater but we don't have the 100' requirement to the edge of the wetlands which <br /> may be in question right now." "My client would like to install a u.v. disinfection unit." <br /> "The Bio-clere people are claiming a 99,99% microorganism free effluent with the <br /> ultraviolet unit." "The Conservation Commission agent has not verified the stakes." "We <br /> will require a 17' variance from the active part of the leaching facility." <br />