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08/10/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
08/10/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES "august 10, 1995 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> states the well pump is leaking badly causing the basement floor to be partially flooded." <br /> "I thought to myself, three days this things been leaking." "I called the tenant, no <br /> answer." "I cam here and spoke to Mr. Evans and I said to him I lived in the house 15 <br /> years." "I know the large water holder sweats." "He said to me that is more then sweat <br /> the pump is leaking." "I said are you sure?" "He said no, this is more then sweat and if <br /> that was the case every cellar floor on the cape would be flooded, this is a pump problem." <br /> "You have 10 days to get this taken care of." "I went to 35 Lisa Lane, knocked on the <br /> door, tenants didn't answer, nobody was home." "The apartment next door belongs to me <br /> also, nobody is living there." "I entered that apartment which makes the basements <br /> adjoin." "I looked at the pump, the pump was not leaking it was sweating but because he <br /> told me it was the pump I removed the pump called my plumber who told me to go to <br /> Osterville Electric to have the pump checked out." ,rcalled them, they said bring it down <br /> and we'll check it out for you and have it ready by 6:00." "5:30 Mr. Evans called I want <br /> that pump in there you're in violation $500.00." "I said I have to get the thing looked at, I <br /> know I'll have it in there tonight." <br /> Mr. Evans stated, "You didn't say that." <br /> Mr. Perry responded, "Well, you didn't give me the opportunity, you started <br /> reading me the riot act." "I've rented this place to these people for a year and they have <br /> never had a problem with me." "I thought my house was going to be flooded." "I took <br /> care of the problem." "I would like to ask Mr. Evans if anyone was living in that <br /> apartment." <br /> Mr. Evans responded, "There were no occupants in that apart.nient when I was <br /> there." <br /> Mr. Perry questioned, "Then how is this in violation of co-mingling," "Mr. Evans <br /> also told me he did not go to the bottom of the stairs or go to the pump, he was going by <br /> what the tenants told him." "I said, you mean to tell me lair. Evans you never saw w ere <br /> the pump was leaking?" "He said no, I never went to the bottom of the stairs." "He put <br /> me in a position today gentlemen which is not fair." <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, "You don't need to go into the basement to see that it <br /> is 3/4 flooded." "Neither Mr. Evans nor I as health agents are certified plumbers." "We <br /> can't tell you that it is the pump that is leaking or what is causing; the problem." "The <br /> problem from the Board of Health sanitation code standpoint is that the basement was <br /> flooded." "For Mr. Evans to suggest that it might be the pump is not an unwise <br /> suggestion, in my opinion." <br />
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