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08/10/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
08/10/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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i <br /> N.I.NUTES Augmst 10, 1995 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> I <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "I think we should discuss this in Executive Session as I believe <br /> this is already paid for." <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to continue this matter for further discussion in Executive <br /> Session, Mr. Ball seconded, all agreed. <br /> Complain - 35 Lisa Lane <br /> Mr. Kevin Perry, property owner, was in attendance for discussion. <br /> Mr. Evans relayed, "This is a situation at 35 Lisa Lane." "Two or three days ago I <br /> was asked to do a housing inspection." "I inspected the house and found a couple of <br /> violations." "A letter was sent out and 10 days given for compliance." "Toda.y, one of the <br /> violations was a leaky well pump in the basement which had about 1/3 of the basement <br /> floor area wet, not just wet but standing water." "One of the other violations was a co- <br /> mingled electrical system as there is a in-law apartment." "The letter was sent out and the <br /> response was, which I thought positive this morning, turned out to be that the water pump <br /> was removed from the house for repair but that left the house without water which is a <br /> major violation of the housing code." "I didn't realize that was going to be done." "Had I <br /> known that I certainly would have indicated against it." "This afternoon Elias received a <br /> call from the Police Department indicating that the house was broken into and the pump <br /> stolen." "I went out about 6:00 p.m. and found the pump was gone and no water was <br /> available in the house." "I spoke with the owner or it could have been the agent for the <br /> owner, indicating that it was a major violation and subject to fines up to $500,00 per day." <br /> "This became a heated argument which I tried not to continue and then abruptly was hunb <br /> un on." "I notified Elias of the situation." <br /> Mr. Doherty questioned Mr. Perry as to whether he is the owner of the property. <br /> Mr. Perry responded, "Yes." <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Mr. Evans requested both parties to attend the meeting <br /> tonight." "It is a critical violation and under the critical violation regulation the <br /> homeowner has 24 hours to reestablish a proper water supply after which being; duly <br /> served, he has 24 hours and can be fined $500.00 per day." <br /> Mr. Perry stated, "I believe I have been wrongly charged and I think 119.r. Evans <br /> put me in a position where I almost got my head knocked off." "Tills was written on the <br /> second which was three days ago." "I received it in the mail today." "On this violation it <br />
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