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09/07/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
09/07/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MDaJTES September 7, 1995 BOAKD O .HEALTH <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Although we only now require 2' of naturally occurring <br /> permeable soil above groundwater and below the ]caching facility we do want to s.+e t' <br /> and it has to be mounded." <br /> Mr, kficbiewicz commented, "This is 4' above an adiusted groundwater table." <br /> "We do have at least 2' of naturally occurring permeable soil move the water gable and we <br /> also have 3' of natural occurring sand below the water table." <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "We will need a copy of the contract with a certified <br /> inspector to make sure the system is installed according to D.F.P. and Board of Health <br /> regulations." "We will need a copy of a contract also with an approved service to handle <br /> the black matter." <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to approve the installation of a Clivus Multrum comp:)stiflg <br /> toilet and graywater system at 97 Shore Drive with the stipulation the system is installea <br /> according to D.F.P. and Board of Health regulations, as well as, the owner shall submit to <br /> this office a copy of the contract from the company installing the composting <br /> toiletlgraywater system and a copy of the maintenance contract from the company retained <br /> to handle the black matter, Mr. Ball seconded, all agreed. <br /> APPO NTNIFNT-. Attorney Mills - Mills subdivision <br /> Attorney Robert Mills was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. ;stills stated, "We received a letter from Mr. McQuaid on Septenaber 1, 1995 <br /> indicating that town water would be required." "Due to financial constraints N-ve are <br /> unable to install town water." "We have been planning, to put in the road for six years but <br /> were unable to until the homestead was sold which freed up the money to install the road." <br /> "The estimate for town water was about $20,000.00." "Plans were originally drawn to <br /> include town water however, we are unable to secure the funds." <br /> Mr. McQuaid questioned, "Will all the lots be sold individually <br /> Attorney Mills responded, "If they're ever sold it will be individually." "I lr::>e nol <br /> put any deed restrictions on record." <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, "The Board may consider a consent order whereas <br /> wit}tin a certain number of years all the lots would be serviced by town water but we <br /> would have to hold one party responsible, not individual lot owners." <br />
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