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N_Il!'UTES September 7, 1995 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Attorney Mills stated, "As it stands now they are all in one name." "The deeds are <br /> not on record yet, at the moment they are all under the Mills Realty Ti-List." <br /> Crarn commented, "There is a high nitrate problem in the area.." <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "With any new subdivision the best time to instal pipes <br /> is be!bre you pint in the road." "The Board, in its role as the overseer of public health, <br /> would be negligent in not asking that where town water runs right by the property, not be <br /> installed." <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "We could take this on a. case by case basis." "If the water <br /> analysis doesn't pass then we will require town water.'° <br /> Attorney- Mills stated, "One lot may be sold but it would rmt be sold outsid-c uAu <br /> fare;I <br /> y „ <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "We could provide a restriction whereby if any of the <br /> lets are sold outside the family town water would be required." <br /> Attorney Mill stated, "We could request the town take the road then just lay in the <br /> pipes as a betterment atiPr that." <br /> Mr- Cram coy mented, "You will need 50 % of the property owners to a xre; to <br /> this.•., <br /> Mr. Ball relayed, "This will stop construction within the subdivision." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "We could approve one lot for a private well." <br /> r. E3all commented, "The subdivision was n;�prove.d for private wells._" <br /> Mr, McQuaid stated, "As it stands now, if you submit your well and septic plans <br /> according to the master plan for the subdivision I will ap;rove it." <br /> 4-.) !' .rianee r ue�t, 55 Shorewood Drive - Ivlr. McQuaid relayed, `:This is a. <br /> variance from the new Title V which likes to see leaching facilities rot unore ihan 3' belovi <br /> grade for nitrogen removal." "In this instance the soli conditions Nvere silty, loamy sand <br /> down to 5'." "The engineer is requesting a variance tha the systern be it;sta led below (lie <br /> unsuitable soils into naturally occurring medium sand so it's a variance from the new 'title <br /> V." "I 'VVold'd recor u-nend the Board approve the variance relief" <br />