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09/21/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
09/21/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES September 21, 1995 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> I <br /> f I <br /> APPOINTMENT: Grassetti/Hynes - Cromaglass Treatment System <br /> Mr. Carl Grassetti and Mr. Robert Hynes, representative from Cromaglass were in <br /> attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Hynes stated, "We have individual units all the way up to 10,000 gallons." <br /> Mr. Grassetti stated, "There are 55 units at Stratford Ponds." "We have had two <br /> extensions in both time and number of units to put in a treatment plant." "We are under <br /> an approved interim system approved by the State." "We are currently permitted under <br /> D.E.P. as a dated R.B.C. plant which is vintage of the late 70's and 80's." <br /> r <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "We used a lot of Bob Hines expertise as far as getting the <br /> D.E.P. to acknowledge the fact that Title V flows aren't accurate." "We convinced the <br /> D.E.P. to allow the high school to down size its plant from 28,000 gallons per day to <br /> 18,000 gallons per day." "We were pushing the D.E.P_ to go with a S.B.R. system over a <br /> R.S.C. system which we half won." "We didn't get a S.B.R. system but we got a system <br /> which is less maintenance cost effective than the conditional R.B.C. system." <br /> Mr. Grassetti presented a written proposal for the S.B.R. Wastewater Treatment <br /> Facility which would be installed at Stratford Ponds. (This proposal is attached to the end. <br /> of these minutes.) <br /> Mr. Ball questioned, "What does it do for pathogens?" <br /> Mr. Hynes responded, "I am unsure." "What we normally do is go through the <br /> classical chlorinating or u.v. depending on what is required by the State." <br /> Mr. McQuaid questioned the amount of total nitrogen entering the ground. <br /> Mr. Hynes responded, "Less than 7.5." <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "The effluent quality with the chromaglass system is <br /> obviously well below the States highest limits set." <br /> Mr. Grassetti stated, "What we are looking for Board of Health endorsement of <br /> the technology and the Board's support in obtaining an extension to put it in so that we <br /> can get it permitted through the State and continue to build up to 66 units." <br /> Mr, Cram questioned Mr. Grassetti, "What will happen with the existing system." <br />
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